Statistics at ePotentia

Whether it’s sales statistics, sensor data or security footage, one thing is certain: data is everywhere. Given this plenitude of data, several questions quickly arise. What can we learn from this data? What information is contained within? Perhaps more importantly, how can we extract it? At ePotentia we offer a wide variety of data-related services designed to help you optimize your data workflow. From simple advice to the development of complex predictive software, we are ready to assist.
Data processing
The first step of any project is to gather and process data, whether it be a simple spreadsheet or a complex time series. The data must then be cleaned up, outliers determined and their origins investigated. We are capable of producing both the software for gathering and processing the data in an automated way, suitable for production environments. When the data set is complete, its size, quality and distribution will then determine the optimal approach to handle the analysis of the data. Understanding the underlying processes is also essential and we strongly encourage a close interaction between our team and your in-house experts. Our team is capable of handling data related both to business and science.
Model construction
Answering questions in a statistical context inherently implies the creation of a statistical model. The construction of an appropriate model is dependent on both the goal of the project, as well as the available input data. Different methods must be applied to extrapolate a time series rather than verifying a hypothesis. The required complexity of the model may also strongly depend on the underlying processes that lead to the generation of the data, making the interaction with the customer essential. The optimal model is often found by pooling our expertise. When the data set becomes very large and the underlying processes are not fully understood, machine learning methods may also be a valuable tool.
Analytics and visualization
An appropriate model can be an end point in itself. Especially in statistical projects however, we often want to answer concrete questions. The results of the statistical analysis will be provided in a detailed report, including reasoning, graphs and conclusions regarding your questions. When requested, the analytical code used to analyze the data can be provided in R or Python. Our staff has a wide
Want to learn how to apply modern data techniques in-house? We provide both beginner and advanced workshops tailored to your applications.
Gathering new data? Visualizing it on an app or website? Our developers are ready to assist you in creating and deploying data-based applications..
In need of data analysis or just advice? Our consultants can provide you with the necessary answers on statistics, machine learning and data-related IT.