

If you require any more information or have any questions about our copyright policy, please feel free to contact us.




All pages, content and other such media (including but not limited to the website design) on is copyrighted © to ePotentia (and thus the owner of All Rights Reserved.


Images And Icons


Images on ePotentia marked with a “Image ©” (or similar) tag were created, photographed or otherwise authored – and thus are copyrighted – by ePotentia. Any images and icons not marked with a copyright were either used with permission from sources such as VistaICO and 1st logo design.

In short, we will always ensure that the images on this website were either created by us, or are displayed with permission (be it via royalty free images/icons, screenshots taken under Fair Use or images/icons which are in the Public Domain).




Copying, reproducing or duplicating any parts of ePotentia is not allowed.

As outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy and Terms Of Service, we are not responsible for any copyright breaches on websites that are hosted by ePotentia. ePotentia can not be held liable for the content of its client’s websites.

If you find any in-correct, copyrighted or other such content on our website, please contact us with full details. No challenge to any status is intended and your e-mail will be taken seriously and dealt with promptly.