Transferring Domains From GoDaddy To Us

A few customers have asked us for help with transferring their domains to us (from GoDaddy), and so we’ve drafted up the following step-by-step guide in the hope that others might find it useful:

The first stage to transfer a domain out of GoDaddy involves unlocking the domain and giving us the EPP (”authorization”) code. The steps for this stage is as follows:

1) Login to your GoDaddy and go to the ”Domain Manager”

2) Click the checkbox next to the domains you want to transfer out

3) Click on the “Locking” icon

4) A box will pop-up

5) Unclick the checkbox which says “Lock domains” and click on the “OK” button. This will unlock the domain(s) you want to transfer out

6) Wait a few minutes since it takes a little bit of time for GoDaddy”s system to fully unlock the domain

7) Now you will need to do the following for each domain to get the EPP code:

  • Click on the domain”s name (in blue) for the domain you want the EPP code for
  • A new page will load. Where it says “Authorization Code” click the blue link saying “Send by Email”
  • A box will popup. Click on the “OK” button
  • This will send you an e-mail which contains the EPP code for that particular domain
  • Once you have done this for all domains you want to transfer to us, the first stage is complete!

The second (and final!) stage is to place the transfer order on our end. So to do that:

1) Login at our customer account centre (httpsss://

2) Once done, go to Order and then Transfer Domains

3) Enter the domain(s) you wish to transfer and add them to the cart

4) You can view our domain prices in the same area. Remember that transferring a domain renews it for another year.

5) Complete the checkout order, select your payment type, and pay

That”s essentially all you need to do. The last thing to do is – once you have unlocked the domains and have the EPP codes – send them to us via our support system and we’ll do the rest.

And as always, please contact us if you have any questions.

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